News & Events » Correspondence from Missionvale U.S.A.
info@missionvaleireland.orgCorrespondence from Missionvale U.S.A.

Thank you very much for meeting with us while we were in Port Elizabeth. We look forward to hearing how the rest of your week went and what kind of progress was made on the business plan.
We have our next Missionvale U.S.A. Board meeting on April 18th and are excited to share the information we learned and saw at MCC and about the forward movement of the Strategic Plan. We’re also excited about potential opportunities to collaborate with Missionvale Ireland further in the future.
I have attached a handful of photos captured from the drone video footage. The first photo is actually one I took from Google Earth a while ago and it gives such a strong comparison of the changes that have happened at MCC. We are working on putting together a summary video of the drone footage and will pass that onto you when completed.
Thanks again meeting with us.
Jen Ludlum