Projects » Building Project 2010 is a success
info@missionvaleireland.orgBuilding Project 2010 is a success

On Jan 26th, 2010, 2o volunteers returned from Missionvale SA having re-roof ed the Community Centre building. This building acts as a hub for the thousands of inhabitants of Missionvale. Indeed, what was noticeable while there were the number of daily enquiries to book the Community Centre for various activities.
The predominantly Clare-based volunteers were ‘buddied’ with local inhabitants ,who worked alongside the volunteers in an effort to learn basic carpentry skills, thereby fostering some self-sufficiency for future maintenance.
In addition, the volunteers installed a comprehensive CCTV system in the Care Centre campus, which brings the centre right up to date in terms of Best Practice for Child Protection.
The volunteers also found time to assist in the feeding station, and also attended a Farewell Mass, presided over by Clareman Fr. Donough O Meara.
Plans are already afoot for another trip to Missionvale in early 2011.
Please email ‘Contact us’ for any further information.