News & Events » Playboy night a roaring success
info@missionvaleireland.orgPlayboy night a roaring success

Annette Daffey, Mary O Reilly and Paula Montwill enjoying the Cheese & Wine reception at Glor, before Ennis Player's Performance of PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD
ENNIS PLAYERS very kindly donated tickets for their performance of THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD to Missionvale Ireland.
A packed auditorium, at AN GLOR music theatre in Ennis, were treated to an impeccable interpretation and performance of this masterpiece by the award-winning ENNIS PLAYERS acting group.
All proceeds from this event will go to Sr Ethel Normoyle in Missionvale.
Missionvale Ireland Ltd are truly grateful to The Ennis Players for their generosity.