News & Events » Burren Walk attracts large crowds
info@missionvaleireland.orgBurren Walk attracts large crowds

Walker and Egg Hunters turned out in force to attended the Burren Walk which took place in Fanore on Easter Sunday. Outdoor enthusiasts of all ages partook in either the 10k walk or the 2k Family Egg Hunt
Adults and children alike took advantage of a welcome break in the inclement weather to stretch the legs and support the work of Sr. Ethel in Missionvale.
A new inclusion to this year’s event was the Family Egg Hunt which took place over a 2km course, and this proved to be extremely popular, especially with the younger ‘walkers’.

After the activities, light refreshments were enjoyed in O Donohue’s Pub in Fanore, where prizes were awarded for the best Easter Bonnets on display.
The organisers are grateful to all who assisted in making this event such a success, in particular the Civil Defence, O Donohue’s Pub, Fanore, and those who errected signage for the event.Plans are already underway for next year’s Burren Walk for Missionvale.