News & Events » A fond farewell to Missionvale!!
info@missionvaleireland.orgA fond farewell to Missionvale!!

Yesterday was our final day at Missionvale. It was a week that flew by, full of laughter but also tears. It was a week that will be remembered forever.
The day began with the final work to the school building being completed. The volunteers worked tirelessly to finish their duties through the torrential downpours. Missionvale in the rain and Missionvale in the sun are polar worlds apart. The rain began on Wednesday and rained continuously for three days. Flooding and mud covered the centre but even more distressing was the conditions of the shacks.
A prayer service and presentation marked the end of our stay at Missionvale. Ethel presented the volunteers with a gift and individually thanked every person for coming.

It had been a wonderful and rewarding week in Missionvale.
Slán go Foill Missionvale.