News & Events » Doonbeg Christmas Markets
info@missionvaleireland.orgDoonbeg Christmas Markets

A taste of Missionvale and its many talented people was evident at the Doonbeg Christmas markets on the last weekend of November. Despite the cold weather a constant flow of people passed through the markets over the weekend and their generosity was evident when they stopped at the Missionvale stall.
The. DVD of the story of Missionvale and the voice of Sr. Ethel playing certainly encouraged the buyers to pause and admire the lovely crafts that the people of Missionvale had made especially for sale at the Doonbeg Christmas markets.
Most people were aware of the tremendous work of Sr. Ethel and the Irish volunteers and it was no surprise that a total of €1,653 was raised over the weekend from the sale of the crafts and a raffle.