News & Events » New Chairperson of Missionvale Ireland
info@missionvaleireland.orgNew Chairperson of Missionvale Ireland

Dear Friends of Missionvale,
It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Chairperson of Missionvale Ireland. I am originally from Wexford, I spent my childhood and teenage years in Carlow. I live in Mountshannon, Co Clare. I am married with one daughter.
I am involved in a voluntary capacity with several local community organisations and charities, Mountshannon Community Council, BOT Youth Club, Team Hope Shoebox Appeal and East Clare Text Alert. I served as President of the Clare Federation of the ICA and I also served on the National Executive Board of the ICA from 2015 to 2018.
In December 2018 I was honoured to be elected as chairperson of this wonderful charity. The previous chairperson Ollie O’Loughlin served for 10 years and has steered the charity with the help of many others, through its formative years to where it is today, a beacon of hope to the people of Missionvale Township. I have big shoes to fill and I hope my tenure as chairperson will be as successful as Ollie’s. I know you will all join me in thanking him for his contribution to Missionvale, we are fortunate that his skills and expertise will not be lost to us as he continues to be a board member and volunteer on various projects with the charity.
This year’s trip from Friday 15th – Tuesday 26th of February will be extra special for me as it’s my inaugural year as chairperson. I would like to welcome all of you that are travelling to Missionvale in February, for those of you that have never had the privilege of being there before, I know it will be an enriching and life changing experience. I wish you all a safe and educational trip.
For those of you not travelling please keep in contact with us via our Facebook Page – Missionvale Ireland for all updates of our trip.
Missionvale Ireland exists to support the work of Sr Ethel Normoyle and Missionvale Care Centre which provides basic healthcare and accessible educational opportunities for the community of Missionvale Township. Our resources will be focused in the following areas;
· Support of Normoyle Primary School
· Support of Youth Development Programme
· Support of vulnerable youths
· Support of vocational training for social enterprise projects
Missionvale Ireland charity receives no state aid and is wholly dependent on the support of our wonderful volunteers and patrons for its survival. I wish to thank you most sincerely for your generosity and support, it is greatly appreciated.
I also would like to take this opportunity to introduce my fellow board members and thank them for all their work and continued support – Annette Daffy (Secretary), Liam Gavin (Treasurer), Bishop Willie Walsh, Fr Donagh O’Meara, Ollie O’Loughlin, Kieran McDermott, Mary Bohan, Rose McNamara, Michael McNamara, Gerry Byrnes, Deirdre Convey and Joe Russell.
Is mise le meas,
Joanne Dunphy Allen