News & Events » Missionvale Trip 2018
info@missionvaleireland.orgMissionvale Trip 2018

The 2018 volunteers arrived on Mon 12th Feb after a long and tiring trip from Shannon via Heathrow, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. They were greeted by the usual warm welcome from the Centre’s Care workers and of course Sr. Ethel and her staff.
All the first time volunteers were taken of a tour of the Missionvale complex by the very able hostess Linda while the seasoned campaigners set about laying the foundations for the extension of the water storage tanks. Wheelbarrows, shovels and pickaxes were put to use as if by magic and under the swelthering heat all that was to be seen was a fog of dust and sweat.

When the tour was over another crew began digging the foundation for a footpath which will give access to the new room which will be used for an adult educational room for the teenagers of Missionvale.