News & Events » 2018 Missionvale Golf Classic
info@missionvaleireland.org2018 Missionvale Golf Classic

Woosdstock Golf Club 1st September 2018.
As you may be aware in 2012 Missionvale Ireland, with the generous help and expertise of 40 Irish volunteers, constructed 6 additional classrooms in the Normoyle Primary School. This project allowed the primary school children of Missionvale to complete their full primary education within the secure environment of Missionvale Care Centre. Since the completion of the project in 2012 the first group of children went on to secondary education in 2016 and approximately 40 have progressed annually after that. This is a huge achievement for Sr Ethel and she has now provided a pathway out of poverty for a new generation of children in Missionvale.
However the successful project comes with a cost and the current cost of running the school is putting a strain on the resources of Missionvale Care Centre. The teachers salaries are not currently funded by the Government. Sr Ethel is involved in the complex process of securing the necessary funds from the Government and based on current progress we expect it will take a few more years before the funds are secured. In the meantime Sr Ethel needs financial support and Missionvale Ireland has committed to raising funds for the school.
In that regard, Missionvale Ireland will be holding a Charity Golf Outing at Woosdstock Golf Club on the 1st September 2018.
For the Golf Classic to be a success we will need to maximise the number of teams playing and tee box sponsorship. We have tried to keep the cost of the event to a minimum so the cost for a Team of 4 is €120 and Tee Box sponsorship is€100.